The day after the main conference will be dedicated to a series of workshops hosted by our partners.
Attendees may participate to up to 2 workshops as they can happen either on the morning or the afternoon.
These are two important pieces of information so let's bullet-proof them:
We are very lucky to have our main partners involved in the organization of this day.
Here are the sessions that our attendees have enjoyed:
Location: Le Camping
Hours: 9am - noon
Host: Mandy Waite, Staff Developer Advocate for the Google Cloud Platform
In this code lab you will learn how to get started using Google Compute Engine. We will begin with basic tasks, such as starting an instance, installing software and setting up a firewall. Then we will walk through the steps of using Compute Engine instances for processing public astronomical data to generate viewable images.
Location: Le Camping
Hours: 2am - 5pm
Host: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine, Developer Relations at Google
This code lab will cover AppEngine, CloudEndpoints and Google Cloud Messaging so that you and your users don't feel like riding a Ferrari with the engine of a Trabant when using your mobile Android application.
All coding will be done in Java.
Location: Web School Factory
Hours: 9am-1pm
Host: Emilien Macchi, OpenStack engineer at eNovance
Workshop objectives:
The objective is to guide you, step by step, on how to install OpenStack Services and to introduce you its additional projects.
During this workshop we will provide a virtual machine to you equipped with the Ubuntu OS and basic services.
You will therefore proceed to the configuration of:
Get to know SAP's Platform-As-A-Service offering, SAP HANA Cloud Platform, and deploy your first applications on your own developer account of SAP HANA Cloud Platform.
During the workshop you'll get a high level overview of the platform and hands-on exercises on the first steps.
By the end of the workshop, you’ll be able to deploy and run your own applications in the cloud.
After that we'll have a hands-on Q&A and more opportunities to find out what SAP HANA Cloud Platform can do.
To make the best of this workshop please make sure you have prepared the development environment on your laptop before the workshop starts.
To do so please follow the instructions of chapter 1 through 1.5.1 of this document (pages 6 - 24).
More info on this website.
Syncsort’s Hadoop ETL Solution extends the capabilities of Hadoop, turning it into a highly scalable, affordable, and easy-to-use data integration environment.
Join our workshop at the dotScale conference to experience the Syncsort DMX-h Hadoop ETL Edition -- before its official release!
During this half-day session, you will experience our:
You will see how easy it is to deploy ETL in Hadoop with DMX-h, with hands-on exercises implementing common ETL tasks, including:
You should download the DMX-h Test Drive on your laptop before the workshop.
Location: Web School Factory
Hours: 2pm-6pm
Host: Cédric Joly, Cloud Evangelist at Outscale
This workshop will be focused on how to automatically deploy an application on an IaaS platform. Outscale's Cloud platform actually, even if you will be able to try quite the same on EC2. Hail to the APIs!
Use case:
The best way to adopt a solution is to try it first. We will create an on-demand platform providing users a personal dedicated demo of a service to test it. Something like DjangoCMS's demo.
Main objectives are:
A device which can run a web browser and ssh. Being able to type efficiently on that device could be nice. Understanding a few python might be a plus, but any basic development skills should be enough.
Location: La Cantine
Hours: 2pm-6pm
Hosts: Jordan Mendelson, CTO, and Lisa Green, Director, of the Common Crawl Foundation, Romain Lacombe Head of Innovation at Mission Etalab & Mathieu Cadet, technical expert at Amazon Web Services
We are entering the age of big data. Modern big data tools have made it possible to gain extremely valuable insight from large scale data analysis and Amazon Web Services (AWS) has made it possible for anyone to access massive compute power with their Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) service.
Access to data remains a barrier, but the open data movement is gaining ground.
The combination of big data techniques, powerful compute platforms, and access to open data will drive astounding innovation in all areas of society.
Join us for this workshop to hear about how big open data is changing the world and how you can incorporate it into your research, business, products.
The workshop will cover:
Developers who bring a laptop and participate in the tutorials will get the most out of this workshop.
No previous experience with AWS or big data is necessary.
Much of the content of the workshop will be understandable and of interest to people with limited technical background.